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Game Reports

Freaky Tikis   Vs.   NoName Norse

Well folks the season was ushered in with a rousing preseason brawl between the Freaky Tikis and an unknown and upcoming Norse Team.  Early on it looked as though the Tikis would be wiping up the field with the pasty ostlanders as the Norse committed one Turn Over after another allowing the Tikis to deftly slither their way to a quick TD in only three downs.  This put the Norse on the defensive though and their second possession was an entirely different story.  Though not  graceful in their approach the Norse team managed to plow their way up the field through the spotty defense of the Tikis to score a TD thus tying up the match. 
This display of prowess by the Norse severly angered the Tikis and they called upon the great feathered serpent god QUETZALCOATL to bring them victory and their prayers were swiftly answered.  From that point forward the Bloodshed was minimal on both sides and the Tikis quickly scored two additional TDs to end the game leaving the Norse largely intact, but their pride SEVERELY Bruised.

FUTURE GAMES / Other Preseason News?
None have been scheduled yet, but look to this section to highlight future BB match-ups and important league news.  Keep your eyes on the Schedule page for information on the upcoming season as well.
Commish KPK

Blah, blah blah.....nothing to report here yet.  But once the season gets underway I'd LOVE to hear some reports from eyewitnesses at the games, local reporters, fan clubs, team spokesmen, etc. etc.....be creative and send your reports to the commish!

Heroes and Goats of the Week:

HERO(S):  Clearly the heroes of the week were the the unlikey Tiki Skins!  These little bastards were able to flawlessly weave in and out of the NoName defense like a master craftsman at a loom.  Were they greased?  Blessed by the gods?  Cashing in a deal with dark lord TZEENTCH? Just plain good?  Who knows, but they were devestating to the Nordic defense!
GOAT(S):  What else needs to be said here?  If ever there were a team needing to regroup it is this one.  No solid blocking?  No Dead Leezards?  Even the Dang Taco Bell Dog had more luck with catching his prey.  The Buzz-word of the day for the Norse is TURNOVER.  I ain't talkin' about what you can buy at your local pub.....this team had more turnovers than the day old shelf at your local bakery.  To enact their vengence they'll need to end this trend before the real season matches get underway.