Well folks it appears that The Blood Bowl Season is upon us once again. It
seems that the snotlings and gobbos have barely had time to scrape up all the goo and mangled corpses from last season and
the magister Beef O ' Teef and his squig hound brigade are still yet scraping the dried blood out of the grandstands
at the Grumpy Dome (home of the Dirty Dozen Dwarves). But lads the season must roll on regardless of the muck and the
mire.....for it is Blood Bowl after all.....Give us a freakin' break, it's supposed to be chaotic!
Commish KPK's Corner:
Well folks the season is nearly upon us. I want to offer you all the best of luck this season as
we have two veteran coaches and two rookies. However, although experience helps here nothing can be said for the wondrous
effects of luck, some great special play card draws and the ever popular, albeit often delivered with mixed emotions,
turn-overs! They will no doubt be ever present as nerves are on edge and time in the half runs short.
Above all I urge you to have fun and participate in the back story for your teams as much and as ofter as possible....it REALLY
adds to the overall experience.