Sit back and Bask in the warm glow of your monitor. KowTown, although you may logically think otherwise, really has
nothing to do with Cows, cattle, bovine or any other synonym you can propose for those timid milk producing creatures.
KungPowKow town is me - I'm KungPowKow and this is my life on the web. This is where I put it all out there for my own
amusement. If something on this site interests or enrages you then I feel that I'm helping liven up the "WEB" one viewer
or "SURFER" (I HATE THAT PHRASE!!!!!) at a time. In all honesty this site is all about me and my interests so enjoy
it, hate it, pan it, hotlink makes no difference to me because I'll keep this project up and running as long as
I stay interested. But it you feel the need to contact me, by all means go right ahead.